Online Effluent Monitoring System

Product Description

Online monitoring of effluents is mandatory for specific category of industries in India.

However choosing right technology is important, as monitoring is not a short term job.

The equipment need to be rugged, reliable (result comparable to lab data), economical, well supported by manufacturer and local distributor with inventory of spares and skilled manpower. The system shouldn''t require recurring cost in reinvestment for replacements at a later stage. Also, the instrument need to comply Local and International Standards.

We at BM Automation Pvt. Ltd., consider all the above points to be best choice for our customers.

We supply Water Quality Monitoring Systems , integrated with multi channel analyzers which accepts Flow Input and sensors like Ph, TSS, Flow, & TOC analyzer which directly measures COD / BOD / TOC and Flow based on ultrasonic or magnetic (users choice) flow meters with all options connected to SDL-999V - Data Acquisition System or PC-DL-999V - PC based Data Logging System.

The Online BOD / COD analyzer based on Online TOC analyzer works on established CPCB recommended 680deg C catalytic combustion and non dispersive infrared detection (NDIR) method based on USEPA/ ASTM methods. The data shows accuracy near to Lab analysis. This is important in case of later verification by regulatory authorities and comply to actual data.

Single stream and multi stream capabilities:

The BOD/COD analyzers can take multistream inputs from different sources. More than one ETPs can use one Analyzer with this capability , reducing the cost of the investment drastically. However , the strategical suitability need to be confirmed by us, looking at sampling distances.

Also, with two inputs, once can establish the efficiency of ETPs, by comparing data from influent and effluent.

Our single configuration for BOD , COD , TSS , Ph , Flow including Data uploading includes:

        — Online TOC Analyzer
        — TSS sensor with analyzer
        — PH sensor with Analyzer
        — Flow meter
        — Data Acquisition system with software* [*PC need to procured by customer at site]
        — Data uploading software from DAS/Client PC to SPCB and CPCB